Silent Whisper Product Review

I was first started tracking Silent Whisper several months back and you may remember the initial post I made about the brand. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of using several items from the line. I gave all three items I received thorough use and I have to say I like them better now than when I first received them (which is the opposite of what usually happens). The above photo is how the package came as you can see there’s some serious attention to detail paid here. The T-shirt came inside plastic bag and the whole package was stored inside either the dust bag or branded cardboard box. It felt great opening up the mail that day and seeing what was there from the handwritten labels to how carefully each item had been packed. I have to admit that my accessories game is kind of weak and I’ve been looking for a reliable and affordable leather goods brand that I can turn to time and again. I’m happy to report that I may have found it in Silent Whisper.Ā In this review I tackle the following items:

  • Ā Position Locator – Bi-fold Wallet Model:Ā AF-W01-005
  • The Interwiner – Long Slim Belt Model:Ā AF-BT01-001
  • Eyes & SinsĀ PrologueĀ – Roses of War Model:Ā GT-01-001Ā 

Read the reviews after the jumpĀ 

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