America – home of freedom, capitalism, and some amazing craft beers. In a new feature the PTP crew (Note D and Geng Grizzly) and myself rate a variety of the craft beers available on the market in honest no-holds-barred fashion. Trust us, we don’t like everything, but we know a good beer when we come across one. Put down that Budweiser and treatyourself to a new brew this weekend, you won’t regret it. No hops were harmed in the making of these reviews and everything in this feature can be purchased from Good Beer (422 E 9th St, New York, NY). This time around we review the following:
Firestone Walker’s Reserve Porter
Dogfish Head : namaste
Wild Onion Hop Slayer Double IPA
Rogue Farms: Grow the Revolution OREgasmic Ale
Without further ado let’s get drinking. Read the reviews after the jump