For a quick recap of the night, the good folks at Sundree TV and Farrington G put together this lil clip recapping the performances. Some very good times were had by those in attendance and without a doubt watching the wait for the next DWMS that much more painful. Stay tuned here we’ll be sure to let you know soon as the next event comes together.
Yung Gleesh
If you were at DWMS2 on Saturday this will all be familiar to you. It was a night of raw, underground rap. No radio friendly joints here, just straight street anthems and the type of noise most people in your liberal arts college wouldn’t approve of. Mista Whoa got the night started with some strong genre-crossing sounds.
Afterward Young Gleesh laced us with a very rare, high energy performance with the audience reaction for Skrong being one of the highlights. GrandeMarshall (Fool’s Gold) continued on the high energy rap theme delivering a 20 minute set before Farrington G set things up for Tommy Kruise. Seeing Ghost in the Shell visuals flashing as Tommy Kruise put together a seamless trap opus almost brought a tear to my eye. Geng Grizzly closed out the night with an incredible set himself that I can only describe as post-apocalyptic bunker music (Gucci deservedly got alot of shine)
Salute to everyone I saw there and to all the new people I met. Shoutout Mista Whoa and Tommy for being fantastic human beings , Note D for the trippy visuals and Geng Grizzly for putting it all together.
More photos after the jump